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How To Install Puppet Server

Grab the Puppetlabs release package (this will set up the Puppetlabs repository):

Debian/Ubuntu: wget "$(lsb_release -cs).deb"

RHEL and clones: . /etc/os-release; wget${VERSION_ID%.*}.noarch.rpm"

Install the package:

Debian/Ubuntu: dpkg -i puppet-release-$(lsb_release -cs).deb"

RHEL and clones: rpm -i puppet-release-el-${VERSION_ID%.*}.noarch.rpm"

Install the Puppet Server package:

Debian/Ubuntu: apt update && apt install -y puppetserver

RHEL and clones: dnf updateinfo && dnf install -y puppetserver

wiki/sysadmin/how_to_install_puppet_server.1682703283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/28 13:34 by Greg