====== Welcome to the Bit Goblin Wiki! ====== This will be the place for any written guides/tips that I create that I don't really feel warrant a video. If you don't know where to get started, then head up to the search in the top bar and start searching for stuff! Else, you can visit the [[wiki:start|community wiki section]] or view the [[https://wiki.bitgoblin.tech/doku.php?do=recent&show_changes=pages|recent changes page]] to see what's hot and see if you'd like to contribute. ===== Join the Community ===== I've got a few different spot if you'd like to hang with the Bit Goblin community. YouTube: [[https://youtube.com/BitGoblin|Bit Goblin YouTube channel]]. Discord: [[http://example.com|Join the Bit Goblin Discord server]]! Forum: [[https://forum.bitgoblin.tech/|Old-school discussion forum]]. Minecraft: [[https://mc.bitgoblin.tech/|Public Minecraft server info]]. ===== Help Support me! ===== I will never demand financial support, but if you want to do so then head on [[https://www.bitgoblin.tech/support.html|over here]] to see how you can lend a hand.