====== MULDAP ====== MULDAP is a tool designed for managing LDAP users and groups via a command-line interface. It is a little opinionated, as it requires a rather basic LDAP object hierarchy, uses two types of groups (referred to as "app" and "unix" groups, used for different purposes), and assumes the MemberOf and RefInt overlays are enabled and configured. The idea behind the tool was to kinda abstract away some of the verbosity of LDAP commands and make it easier to digest. You want to reset a user's password? ''%%muldap user pw -u myuser%%''. You want to add a new group for a web app? ''%%muldap group add -t app -n DokuUsers%%''. The name comes from my personal domain "MetaUnix", plus LDAP. Easy enough. You can view the source code here: https://git.metaunix.net/metaunix/muldap. The README has all the documentation that you should need to build and run the program. All code is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license, so feel free to fork it and do whatever you please with it!